Among the various cleaning tasks power washers can accomplish is paint removal. While most people often think of power washing units as removing dirt and stains, these machines are actually very effective in removing paint. Pressure washers operate by using pressurized water to forcibly lift and remove different debris from surfaces. This means that not only do the power washers offer an effective paint removal option, but also offer benefits that conventional paint removal methods do not provide.
There are a number of power washers available from Daimer® that suit different paint removal jobs. Among all models, a wet sandblaster kit is essential. This kit, optional on nearly all models while standard on others, blasts sand of various grit sizes across surfaces at high pressure levels to remove layers of paint and other materials.
One model, such as the Super Max™ 8750 WS, offers this wet sandblasting option that aids in the removal of paint. It is important to opt for a unit that has the right pressure levels and water flow rates, so that the paint can be washed away completely. The Super Max™ 8750 WS offers pressure levels of 3000 psi and flow rates of 5 GPM.
It is also important to bear in mind the surface the paint is to be removed from. For instance, soft metal surfaces or soft stone surfaces could be damaged by very strong pressure levels. In these cases, lower pressure levels and water flow rates would be ideal. Adding green chemicals, such as the Eco-Green® Graffiti Remover, can help remove paint, marker, and even grease from the surface.
Pressure washing units offer a number of benefits over conventional paint removal methods. With the right pressure levels and proper operation, there is virtually no risk of the surface being scratched or damaged. Many manual paint removal methods cause scratches and other types of surface damage. Chemical paint removal methods sometimes corrode the surface and leave toxic traces. Power washers with wet sandblaster kits reduce the risk of this happening. It is important to note that wet sandblasting pressure cleaners are ideal for spot paint removal and smaller paint removal jobs, as they feature a narrow spray pattern.
There are a number of power washers available from Daimer® that suit different paint removal jobs. Among all models, a wet sandblaster kit is essential. This kit, optional on nearly all models while standard on others, blasts sand of various grit sizes across surfaces at high pressure levels to remove layers of paint and other materials.
One model, such as the Super Max™ 8750 WS, offers this wet sandblasting option that aids in the removal of paint. It is important to opt for a unit that has the right pressure levels and water flow rates, so that the paint can be washed away completely. The Super Max™ 8750 WS offers pressure levels of 3000 psi and flow rates of 5 GPM.
It is also important to bear in mind the surface the paint is to be removed from. For instance, soft metal surfaces or soft stone surfaces could be damaged by very strong pressure levels. In these cases, lower pressure levels and water flow rates would be ideal. Adding green chemicals, such as the Eco-Green® Graffiti Remover, can help remove paint, marker, and even grease from the surface.
Pressure washing units offer a number of benefits over conventional paint removal methods. With the right pressure levels and proper operation, there is virtually no risk of the surface being scratched or damaged. Many manual paint removal methods cause scratches and other types of surface damage. Chemical paint removal methods sometimes corrode the surface and leave toxic traces. Power washers with wet sandblaster kits reduce the risk of this happening. It is important to note that wet sandblasting pressure cleaners are ideal for spot paint removal and smaller paint removal jobs, as they feature a narrow spray pattern.