Power washers, or pressure washers, are commonly used to clean gas stations and automobile service stations. Their high cleaning efficiency and durability make them ideal for gas or service station owners. In addition to powerful cleaning capabilities, these machines also offer a number of other options as well.
Choosing your Options
Many modern power washers are tri-mode machines that can provide three different outputs: cold water, hot water, and steam. Cold water output is at room temperature, hot water has a temperature of approximately 210°F, while steam output has a temperature of around 330°F. That is, the user can choose an output based on the nature of the surface and degree of cleaning necessary.
If the dirty surface cannot withstand high temperatures, cold or room temperature water can be used, paired with green chemicals from the Eco-Green® line to safely heighten cleaning power. On the other hand, if the dirt is difficult to remove, as in the case of heavy grease often present in gas stations, hot water or even steam will be required. For stubborn stains, a green cleaner, such as Eco-Green® Degreaser from Daimer®, can provide additional cleaning power. Power washers can have pressure levels as high as 8000 psi. Machines with such high pressure levels may not be required in gas or service stations, but may be required for cleaning extremely greasy machinery or floors. For the highest cleaning power, pair a moderately high pressure level with high steam temperatures, as with the Super Max™ 12300's steam temperatures up to 330°F and pressure levels up to 3000 psi.
Choosing your Options
Many modern power washers are tri-mode machines that can provide three different outputs: cold water, hot water, and steam. Cold water output is at room temperature, hot water has a temperature of approximately 210°F, while steam output has a temperature of around 330°F. That is, the user can choose an output based on the nature of the surface and degree of cleaning necessary.
If the dirty surface cannot withstand high temperatures, cold or room temperature water can be used, paired with green chemicals from the Eco-Green® line to safely heighten cleaning power. On the other hand, if the dirt is difficult to remove, as in the case of heavy grease often present in gas stations, hot water or even steam will be required. For stubborn stains, a green cleaner, such as Eco-Green® Degreaser from Daimer®, can provide additional cleaning power. Power washers can have pressure levels as high as 8000 psi. Machines with such high pressure levels may not be required in gas or service stations, but may be required for cleaning extremely greasy machinery or floors. For the highest cleaning power, pair a moderately high pressure level with high steam temperatures, as with the Super Max™ 12300's steam temperatures up to 330°F and pressure levels up to 3000 psi.